Religious Ed

Welcome to Mary, Mother of the Church Parish Religious Education Program!

Our mission is to help parents share the Catholic faith with their children. We hope to bring these young people to a deeper relationship with God from the teachings and love of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. We are happy your family has chosen to join our Parish Religious Education Program (RE). Our goal is to first instill a love of our Catholic faith into our children. God’s love is offered to all, and He provides for all of our needs. We are called to love all of God’s creation through prayer, fellowship, and community.

RE classes are offered on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings with traditional weekly classes for 1st – 8th Graders. We also offer Monday Monthly classes for 3rd – 6th Graders and one parent. We do have a Home Study program but that is offered only after speaking with Mrs. Margaret Zola. Additionally, there will be faith formation and prayer opportunities for families. We welcome your ideas and suggestions to help you on this life-long journey.

Our volunteer catechists, aides, and hall monitors dedicate their time and talents to help your children grow in their faith,  a faith to be celebrated and lived. When they leave our program, it is our prayer that it is not perceived as an end, but rather a beginning for them as they strive to live a life strengthened and confirmed in friendship with Jesus Christ. Each year we need additional Catechists and aide volunteers. Please consider your talents or we offer training.

To enroll your child(ren) in RE, you must be a registered and participating member of the parish. Please see the About Us, Registration on the website main page.

Parents of any children entering first grade, children new to the parish or children enrolled in Catholic school or being home-schooled, who will be preparing to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Eucharist, or Confirmation – which require two years of preparation,  must contact the Religious Ed Office at  609-291-8281 to register.

We encourage the involvement of our Religious Education students and families in Parish activities. We look forward to sharing weekend Mass together. We encourage you to bring your children to as many Parish events throughout the Liturgical, Advent and Lenten Seasons. We believe participation in parish events enable children to truly experience what it means to be a part of a Parish family.

Please access the RE Registration under the drop-down menu Religious Ed, Registration.

Margaret Zola

Business Manager and Coordinator of Religious Education

609-291-8281 x118

Carol Schulz

Religious Education Assistant

609-291-8281 x117

Our mission is to accompany and support families as they raise their children in our beautiful Catholic faith. We seek to provide the children of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish with a faith formation experience which communicates to them how very loved they are by God, to help instill in them the riches of Scripture and Tradition which form the basis of our faith, and to prepare them to be “Christ for others,” bringing His love to the world. We strive to pass on to our children the great faith of our Patroness, who said, “I place trust in God, my Creator, in all things; I love Him with all my heart.”