Parish Organizations & Ministries


Altar Linen Ministry: The Altar Linen Ministry is a group of volunteers who care for our Altar linens. These linens are very special to the Celebration of the Holy Mass. We are very blessed to be able to do God’s work. The linens are picked up after Sunday Mass and returned on Tuesday.

We are pleased to train all who would like to put their faith and prayers into action to help support the Liturgy of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish.

Contact Rose Troyanovich at for Holy Assumption or Helene Shea at for St. Mary.

Altar Rosary Society:   The purpose of the Altar Rosary Society is to promote devotion to the Blessed Mother as an organized, church related group within our parish for the women parishioners.  Within our society we provide the opportunity for spiritual, social and practical roles.  Monthly meetings are held at Holy Assumption Church in the Divine Mercy Room on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm beginning with the recitation of the Rosary followed by a 7:00pm general meeting.  For information contact Donna Frappolli at 609-221-1957.

Baptism and Wedding Ministry

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, baptism is the first sacrament and opens the way to all the other sacraments. It is also the act that forgives sins, grants spiritual rebirth, and makes one a member of the church (CCC 1213).

What does it mean to be present in the church community as husband and wife? The Marriage ministry is giving witness to the covenant of Christ and the Church. Witnessing to couples preparing for the sacrament of marriage and mentoring them is a beautiful, visible symbol of faith. We would love for you to become a member of the Wedding Ministry and share the experience of your marriage celebrated in the Church.

If you are interested in this wonderful ministry and being an advocate for future members of our Church and Parish, please contact Deacon Gary at 609-668-1604.

Bereavement / Grief Ministry

Have you lost a loved one or know someone who has? Mary, Mother of the Church Parish provides a support ministry and is seeking your help. This can be a rewarding opportunity to serve the Lord and help support your fellow parishioners and community members as they deal with this new chapter in their lives.

When family members are faced with the challenges of daily living following major life upheavals, Mary, Mother of the Church Parish bereavement team will offer support and comfort. Many who hunger for God’s consolation after the loss of a loved one, will receive love, care and support in a very kind and spiritual setting.

If you recognize the need for a support group to help a neighbor, friend, or a family member grieve, and would like to become a member of this support team, please contact Joe Whitty at Training will be provided for all new members.

Dignity of Life Ministry

As Catholics, we are called to promote a culture of life and love; welcoming everyone unconditionally. We recognize that every human life is created by God and therefore precious. We encounter Christ in everyone, the born and the unborn, the elderly and the disabled, the poor and the homeless. and in you and me. We believe that every person has God-given dignity. When someone is facing trials, we need to walk alongside them.

We would love for you to consider becoming a member of the team and help us to help care for others. Please contact Heni Scharibone at:

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Given the centrality of the Eucharist to our lives as Catholic Christians, the importance of this ministry cannot be overemphasized. It is an honor and privilege to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the parishioners. Qualified individuals will be trained and commissioned. For more information, contact Patricia Solimine at 609-298-0261 x 112 or

Food Pantry

Our Parish has two food pantry sites: St. Mary’s Food Pantry on the grounds of St. Mary Church, Bordentown, and Holy Assumption Food Pantry behind the Rectory at Holy Assumption, Roebling. Our pantries collectively serve over 50 families every week. It is estimated that the Parish’s Food Pantry mission provides over 3,000 meals per month to families in need, which is truly astonishing, and we are grateful for such generous support to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry. We need volunteers for weekly pantry shopping, restocking, and assisting at each site to distribute food. Pantry Managers:  Mike Novalis and Sue Oros. Please email the Food Pantry for more information at .

If you know anyone who needs food, please share the information below regarding our hours of operation. Donations of unexpired, non-perishable food are gratefully accepted during operating hours. St. Mary’s Pantry also has a pet food pantry for dogs and cats. Items needed the most are identified in the Church bulletin.

Hours of Operation:       

St. Mary’s Pantry, 45 Crosswicks Street, Bordentown

Mon-Wed-Fri  2:00pm – 3:00pm

Tues  6:00pm – 7:00pm

Thurs 9:00am – 10:00am & 6:00pm – 7:00pm               

Holy Assumption’s Pantry, 1290 Hornberger Avenue, Roebling

Tues  2:00pm


Knights of Columbus Council #570

In 1882, our founder, Blessed Father Michael McGivney had a vision of a group of men supporting each other and providing for their Church, families, and community. For over 140 years the Knights of Columbus have turned this vision into reality – men together, in true Christian charity, using their faith, time, and talent to support the work of the Church and those in need in the community. Benefits of membership in the Knights of Columbus can be summed up in two areas: Faith and Service.


  • Grow in Faith with a band of brothers.
  • Live out a masculine faith life with high caliber men.
  • Act with men of the council to be a force for good in the world.
  • Live out your vocation as a husband, son, or brother.


  • Aid your brothers in serving your parish.
  • Serve your local community through programs like Coats for Kids and Food for Families.
  • Support programs that benefit people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Aid victims of natural disasters and other catastrophic events, both local and worldwide.
  • Stand up for the most vulnerable including the poor, orphaned, oppressed and unborn.

Bordentown Council 570 was organized on April 14, 1901. The principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Our council meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7:30pm in the second-floor meeting room of the Parish Center at 45 Crosswicks Street, Bordentown, NJ.

If you are a Catholic man, 18 years or over, and you are looking for support and encouragement to become a better Catholic, husband, and father, while serving your parish and community; come join us! Contact our Grand Knight, Frank Scharibone at 609-298-1898.

Email: or visit our Webpage:

Legion of Mary

The purpose of the Legion is to make its members better Catholics and to mobilize the Catholic laity. The Legion does many beautiful works, evangelizing everyone they meet. Their outreaches are many: teaching Religious Education classes, visiting the sick, visiting new parishioners, visiting the home bound and nursing homes, and bringing the pilgrim Mary into homes.

For a visit with the Pilgrim Mary or if you have an interest in joining our group, contact Kathy Fetch by email at

Mary’s Weavers

This ministry provides hand knitted or crocheted prayer shawls or lap blankets to those in need to help brighten their lives in a very caring and prayerful way. We meet every Monday evening 6:30 – 9:30pm in the Parish Center, 45 Crosswicks Street, Bordentown, NJ. All are welcome to join us, no experience is needed, we will happily train.

For additional information please email Helene Shea at

Minister of the Word

When the Sacred Scriptures are proclaimed in the Church, God speaks to the people.

This ministry may also be called Reader or Lector. The Lector is commissioned to proclaim the Sacred Scriptures, with the exception of the Gospel. The Lector may also lead the Universal Prayer and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings.

If you received all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) and would like to become a Lector please contact Patricia Solimine at 609-298-0261 x 112 or Training is provided.

Music Ministry

My name is Alfonso Gonzalez and I am the music Coordinator for Mary, Mother of the Church Parish.

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the music ministry and why it’s such an important part of our liturgy. What exactly is the music ministry, and what role does it play in our parish? Simply put, it is a way for us to praise God in song. St. Augustine once said, “Those who sing pray twice.”

The purpose of music goes beyond just singing a tune or keeping a beat, it is a way for us to connect with God on a different spiritual level. It inclines our hearts to God in ways other forms can’t accomplish. Worship strengthens us, convicts us, builds us up, and evens restores us!

Even if you think you can’t sing or read music, there is always a place for those who have the willingness to serve. Many of our choir members cannot read music, but with the proper guidance and direction we have been able to come together and add something special to the weekly liturgy along with our many special celebrations throughout the year like Easter and Christmas.

We are always searching for new people to join us. If you would like to more active in the parish or share your God given talents, this ministry is for you. All ages, singers, and musicians are welcome regardless of your skill level.

Holy Assumption Choir provides music at the Sunday 10:30 AM Mass and at all seasonal Holy Days. (i.e. Christmas, Easter, etc.)  Practice is in the church Thursday at 5:00 PM. 

St. Mary Church Choir provides music at the Sunday 9:30 AM Mass and at all seasonal Holy Days. (i.e. Christmas, Easter, etc.)  Practice is in the church Wednesday at 6:00 PM.  

St. Mary Church Contemporary Choir provides contemporary Christian music at the Sunday 11:30 AM Mass.  Practice is in the church every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.  If you are interested in joining, please call Cathy Alphonse in the Parish Office at 609-298-0261 x 111.

If you have any questions or have an interest in joining our ministry or any of our choirs, please feel free to contact me at or 609-222-2335.

 Catholic Church, baptism is the first sacrament and opens the way to all the other sacraments. It is also the act that forgives sins, grants spiritual rebirth, and makes one a member of the church (CCC 1213).

What does it mean to be present in the church community as husband and wife? The Marriage ministry is giving witness to the covenant of Christ and the Church. Witnessing to couples preparing for the sacrament of marriage and mentoring them is a beautiful, visible symbol of faith. We would love for you to become a member of the Wedding Ministry and share the experience of your marriage celebrated in the Church.

If you are interested in this wonderful ministry and being an advocate for future members of our Church and Parish, please contact Deacon Gary at 609-668-1604.

Open Hearts, Willing Hands – (Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County)“Open Hearts, Willing Hands” is part of Interfaith Caregivers.  We help promote the independence and dignity of home bound elderly and people with disabilities by matching them with caring volunteers who assist with the tasks of everyday life.  For more information please call 609-393-9922.

Religious Education

Our Religious Education Program is for first through eighth grade and any High School students who have not received Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, or Confirmation. The program aims a supporting our parents by offering consistent, developmental, and formal education in the basic life and worship of Catholic Tradition. Emphasis is placed on the life of Jesus, His message, His values and on showing us how to live our lives.

We encourage the involvement of our Religious Education students and families in Parish activities. We look forward to sharing weekend Mass together. We encourage you to bring your children to our Parish events throughout all of our Liturgical seasons. We believe participation in parish events enables children to truly experience what it means to be a part of a parish family.

All families must be parishioners of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, and all new registrants going into second grade or above must provide transcripts from their prior program.

Our program runs from September through April and offers traditional weekly (Sunday and Tuesday for first through eighth grades), Monday Monthly (Mondy, once a month for third through sixth grades and one parent), and a Home Study Program (third through sixth grade only, with approval).

We also host Vacation Bible School (VBS) in August. The invitation is open to anyone (parishioner or non-parishioner, or non-parishioner, family, friends, and neighbors) Kindergarten through sixth grade. The week includes memorable activities, songs, games, adventures, and snacks! VBS runs Monday through Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm with a final family show on Friday 11:30am. VBS is also an exciting time for our Confirmation Candidates and adult volunteers to give back to our youth during the summer.

For information on registering or becoming a volunteer, please contact Margaret Zola at 609-291-8281 x 118 or

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (soon to be updated to OCIA – Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the program for non-Catholic adults and any Catholic adults that have not completed all their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) to become full members of the Catholic Church. The parish will provide all books and materials, and all the candidate needs to supply is the interest in learning about our faith and the desire to become a full member of our church. If you or someone you know are a non-Catholic adult, or a Catholic adult that has not received all their Sacraments of Initiation, especially Confirmation, and wish fully to join the Catholic Church, please call Nick Chilelli at 609-203-7108 or or Patty Baylog at 609-298-4249 or to register for RCIA. The program begins each September and runs to the Easter Vigil, when the parish welcomes in new adult members.


The Sacristan is someone who prepares the sacred spaces to welcome the faithful as well as preparing the table to welcome Jesus as He gives Himself to us.

Duties include daily preparation of the Altar for Mass: setting our vessels, linens, wine, water, Missals, Lectionary, candles, and special prayers, maintaining Holy Water fonts, candles used, cruets, and assuring a sufficient supply of hosts, wine, water, incense, charcoal, and sacred linens.

In addition to the above, maintaining the cleanliness and safety of the Liturgical areas and their supplies and assuring that all items necessary for any Special Liturgy such as Holy Hours, Funerals, Weddings, Holy Week, and other Seasonal events are available. The Sacristan also greets and welcomes any visiting Celebrants, Worshipers, Funeral Directors, Wedding family or guests, or anyone in need of assistance and manages other needs as they arise.

As you doubt know, many hands make light work. We have weekend and weekday positions available. If you can assist as a Sacristan, please contact Helvy Contreras for Holy Assumption at 609-222-2746 or, and Roseann O’Donnell for St. Mary at

Secular Franciscan Order:   A community of Catholic adults who grow in the love of scripture and the Church in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi and his followers.  Monthly meetings are at Holy Assumption Church in the Divine Mercy Meeting Room the first Sunday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM. For information contact the Parish Office at 609-298-0261 and we will direct your name to Maria Schultes.

Serving at the Altar

Serving at the altar is a ministry first initiated by those who prepared and served Christ at the table during the Last Supper. An Altar Server assists the Clergy (priest and deacon) at the Catholic Mass. Responsibilities include carrying the cross and candles, ringing the altar bells, and, most importantly, bringing the chalice, ciboria, water, and wine —which will become the Body and Blood of Christ — to the altar, as well as many other helpful tasks.

This ministry is open to parishioners beginning in Fourth Grade to Adult. For more information, please contact Paula Bisson,

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a group of men and women inspired by Gospel values to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Each of us donates our time and talent to help residents of Bordentown City, Bordentown Township, Fieldsboro, Roebling and Florence. We also help parishioners of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish regardless of town of residence.

We visit our neighbors in need in their homes, provide financial assistance and non-financial assistance such as help with budgeting. We have a monitored answering machine. We also staff the food pantry on Saturday mornings, sponsor and participate in fundraising events and programs, maintain a resource guide of federal, state and county assistance programs and participate in the parish Christmas Giving Tree.

We meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Parish Center, 45 Crosswicks Street, Bordentown, NJ.

For more information, please see our website.

Contact Information

St. Vincent de Paul
45 Crosswicks Street
Bordentown, NJ  08505

Sports Committee (CYO)The Catholic Youth Organization is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enhance the lives of our youth and the families by providing affordable and quality basketball. Children must be a member of our Parish or a local Parish without a basketball team in order to join our teams.  For information contact Parish Office at 609-298-0261.


The men and women who have volunteered to be part of our Ministry are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all the faithful assembled for worship.

One of the most important roles of an usher is that of hospitality. The usher is the first person worshipers meet when they arrive at church. The impression of our parish is significantly shaped by the presence or absence of a welcoming atmosphere when they come to worship. Offering a smile and a word of welcome can have a profound impact on the people as they enter our church.

If you are interested in ushering at the parish mass, please contact the head ushers: Dominick Cipriano at 609-634-2482 for Holy Assumption or Frank Scharibone at 609-298-1898 for St. Mary.

Welcome Ministry

The Welcome Ministry welcomes all who wish to join Mary, Mother of the Church Parish family.

On the fourth Thursday of each month, we host a ‘Meet and Greet’ at our Parish Center, 45 Crosswicks Street, Bordentown, NJ, beginning at 7:00pm.

Our goal is for our forthcoming parishioners to meet each other, our Pastor, and members of the Welcome Ministry. The purpose of the meeting is to help new parishioners realize what Mary, Mother of the Church Parish has to offer, how our new parishioners can become involved, and where their talents can be best utilized.

If you would like to become a member of our Welcome Ministry, please contact Anne Egan at